Ohh That Looks So Good S.O.L #18

So my mom came home from the grocery store and she told me she would get us at treat. So I waited for so long and she had finally came I got so excited I thought of sweet honey buns and cosmic brownies. But the treat was a bar but when I read Hershey I got excited. But it was not just a chocolate bar it was filled with Carmel and other thing it was the best chocolate bar I ever tried.

Yess Checkers S.O.L # 17

So  earlier  In church we did bible bingo, and I won so I went to the prize room and I  saw   A checker bord I really wanted it but I wanted a sour worms candy. I decided to get sour worms but when I ate it turns out I didn’t like it. So I regretted , but latter that day we when to a dollar tree and the checker bord I saw I knew it was from the dollar tree. So I was only looking for the Checker bord, then my luck decided to come to me. Then I saw it and to me it makes sense that I found it because it’s was saint packtricks day. That would had never made sense if it was any other day. Then I went home and played it with my sister

Top 5 favorite board games S.O.L#15

1. The game of life, It’s pretty confusing but I got the hand of it and it’s SOO much fun.

2. Checkers, it really easy and when you have way throw you can easily predict who’s going to win

3. Candy land, there’s different versions like there is the very old one

4. Notaia, it’s like the Mexican version of bingo

5. Headbands, super fun it’s a nice thing to play on family game night

I Love You The Blackest S.O.L #12

I was in school and my teacher read us a book called “ I love you the purplest”. I was about two boys who were competitive and the mom said to one boy “I love you the reddest “and explands it . She said “I love you the bluest” and adds more. And it mean she loves the. The same  because red Plus Blue  equals  purple. And we wanted to make our own so here is mine. I love you the blackest. Your as  dark  And the  Night  shining sky. When we cuddle it feels like a ware soft black sheep.when you sleep with me you feel like make me glide into my sleep instantly.

It Feels Like Chirtmas😃 S.O.L #11

So I watching YouTube on my moms phone and she calls me and my brother over. And as we are there I see my a humongous pile of stuff. Now  usually I would think we had to organize it and clean. But instead I said “ who’s that for “ . “ some is for you and your brother” my mom responded. I was jumping and jumping and I felt like my hart was going to jump out of me. She gave us crayons,markers,colored pencils and sparkling tape but the thing that made me jump a lot was the glue. Because I could make slime with that.  She gave us a ton of stuff it felt like Christmas . It was amazing.